Universität Luzern » Forschungsinformationssystem (FIS)

Forschungsinformationssystem (FIS)

Universität Luzern » Forschungsinformationssystem (FIS)

University of Lucerne

FIS Unilu (Research Information System)

Welcome to the Login to the FIS Unilu of the University of Lucerne! The research information system is a database for the collection, presentation and evaluation of data related to research. The aim is to improve the visibility of research at the University of Lucerne while simplifying administrative processes and increasing data quality.

The entries in FIS Unilu are used for the university research evaluation and the preparation of the performance report to the canton. For researchers, the recording of all relevant research activities is therefore mandatory and must be carried out by December 31 of each reporting year.

You can also publish the information on your research projects, publications and achievements entered in the FIS directly on the Unilu-webpage.

In order to log into the database proceed as follows: If you are employed by the University of Lucerne you can enter the FIS from within the university of from outside the university network with your SWITCH edu-ID. (Click on "Login" on the left and enter your user data in the SWITCH edu-ID window.)

If you have difficulties with your Login, please contact the IT of the University of Lucerne: helpdesk@unilu.ch

Some people have profiles as external persons. They need to click on "Login for external users" and enter their username and password there.

Such external usernames and passwords can be requested, please contact: silvia.martens@unilu.ch 




